Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Circus Comes to Bonifatiusschule!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Noah's teacher sent home information about a circus that was coming to his school after Easter break. Because I am not that good at reading German, I skimmed through it and figured that maybe one or two of us would go with Noah to see this circus. What I found out later was that his school was putting on the circus. The first full week after break, his class spent close to half of each school day under the Big Top training for their performance scheduled at the end of the week. Noah and his best friend, Jan, both chose to be magicians. They could have also chosen to work with animals (dogs, horses or goats), be clowns, work at juggling or tightrope walking, etc. - all categories that sound exciting for a nine year old boy!

Because of needing to purchase tickets in advance, we had decided that Tracy and Josiah would go with Noah for the event. This was decided prior to realizing my mistake with who was putting on this performance. They all went early to help with the sales of Brats prior to the show. When Frau Frank found out that I wasn't coming, she sent Josiah home to get me insisting that I come immediately. When I tried to pay at the entrance into the Big Top, she made a beeline for the ticket collectors and shooed me away. She really has been a kind teacher for Noah this year and demonstrated it to us as well through this event.

I didn't take my camera but Tracy was able to snap a few photos with his camera phone.

~ Jan und Noah ~
Noah had to parade along the outside of the ring showing the sword
he was about to stick through the magic box. Inside was another boy
from his class. The little boy in the box wouldn't share his secret as to
how he avoided the swords coming through the box. Magic, I guess!

This circus production brings everything needed to put on a performance
after all of the training is complete. It is a husband/wife team that travel
all over Germany to various schools. Noah was excited that this was the
year for the circus! It is on a four year rotation at his Grundschule.

Noah and Josiah are standing beside the entrance/exit for the performers.

During intermission, these two shared some cotton candy - no circus
would be complete without it!

These were the jugglers and plate spinners. Though obviously geared
towards a young age performer, the husband/wife team were able to
help these kids accomplish quite a bit in the short time. It was cute to see!

All of the performers after the show!


  1. Wow, that is such a neat thing! I want it to come to Kansas :)

    1. Yes, Katie - it was really fun for the kids! I was talking to a parent the other day that said that this circus makes it to almost all of the primary schools in Germany! So they keep quite busy. Makes me wonder what they do with the kids for the non-circus years as I know they have a big project like this each year.

  2. Honestly, that is pretty awesome!
    Glad you got to go!
